Autism in a growing child – System Design Plan


Autism in a growing child – System Design Plan


Single System Design

An description of the client system (with identifying information removed)

  • A clear description of the problem and target of change identified for this project. This description must be specific and measurable.
  • A description of the type of data collected, how the data were collected, and how the data were recorded / stored for the project. This description should include a copy of any instrument, test or other tool used in data collection.
  • A description of the intervention used to create change with the client system, and a discussion of why this intervention was selected.
  • The results of the project. At a minimum, you must present a baseline measure and post-intervention data. Use a table or graph to illustrate these date points if possible.
  • A discussion of the results. What can you say about the difference between the target of change at the beginning of the intervention and at the end of the project? What might account for any change? What factors other than your intervention might account for change?


  • In the event your SSD project was impacted by COVID-19 (unable to attend field, etc), and you are unable to successfully complete your SSD project, discuss how your project was impacted, what insights you were able to gain from the amount of time you did engage the intervention, and if you would have done anything differently?

Answer Preview 

The target behavior which needs to be changed is the development of social skills in the child who is suffering from autism. The mental condition affecting the child is impacting the ability to interact with the people within the environment where the child resides. I personally had a challenge in working with the child as he could not remember some things. By helping the child improve the memory capacity, I believe I will be able to solve the underlying mental problem. Addressing this problem will be critical in enhancing the capability of the child to maximize the opportunities within the community and feel like part of the larger society.

Word Count: 600