AVERAGES Opinion analysis


AVERAGES Opinion analysis


We are obsessed with averages, everything from the average house price, the average grade for the class and many other averages.

Where In Your World?

Where in your everyday world do you use the average?  Do you compare the average gas price, look at the average price of a stock, mutual fund etc?  Are you always wanting to know the average grade on assignments or final grades in classes?  Why do we want to know the “average” for almost any situation?  Why do you care what the average square feet your neighbor or coworker has for a house?

Answer preview 

Average is the widely used measure of central tendency, mainly because is easy to calculate and interpret too. In most cases, I use average to budget the study time in relation to the subjects and assignments I have to handle within a day. For example, if I have 8 hours to study a day and I must tackle 4 assignments within the same day, it means that I should spend a maximum of 2 hours on each assignment on average in order to tackle all assignments.

Word Count: 200