Balanced Scorecard


Balanced Scorecard


Review the Example and Practice sections of the Balanced Scorecard Module to practice reading and evaluating the information it presents.

Complete the Assignment section of the Balanced Scorecard Module to evaluate the performance of the organization against established standards.

Complete the following as a 350-word summary of your organization’s performance:

  • Identify the performance gaps.
  • Recommend actions to reduce performance gaps.


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The business should explore methods of increasing profitability further in order to ensure that the return on investment improves. While the profit margin is higher than expected, there is an indication of high operational costs which are consuming the profit and hence a low return on investment. Increasing the profits further can improve the return on investment. The internal operations, however, need to be controlled in terms of the costs to ensure that three is improved efficiency in the utilization of the capital investment.

Word Count: 450