Banning Large Sodas Is Legal and Smart


Banning Large Sodas Is Legal and Smart


Read Gostin’s “Banning Large Sodas Is Legal and Smart” and have Chapter 13 of Argument Today in mind.  Particularly, in section 13.4 of the textbook, there is a discussion of the power of using a “plain, objective style.”  Find three examples in Gostin’s essay where he uses tone or concession (admitting that the other side DOES have some good points) to make his case.  Also, given that this is online media, evaluate how Gostin uses graphics and videos to support his argument.  How does this affect our perception of his article?  Does he use graphics and video to drive home the brunt of his argument or are they serving another purpose?

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The graphics have been utilized in an effort to support the argument by allowing the reader to gain a perception of the sizes of sodas that were being banned. Although the reader might have different opinions, the viewing of these graphics might result in the reader agreeing with the perception of the author. This is because the author considered the move smart because it is a public health matter aimed at improving the livelihoods of the residents by controlling the intake of sugar, which is thought to contribute to obesity.

Word Count: 300