Barrier of Cultural Difference to Aboriginal Australian people seeking equity in education or employment


The barrier of Cultural Difference to Aboriginal Australian people seeking equity in education or employment


Identify a past barrier for Aboriginal Australian people seeking equity in education or employment. Discuss.

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Cultural difference is one of the barriers experienced by Aboriginal people in Australia in the mission of seeking equity within the education and employment sectors. Schools have the scientific nature of offering education to Australians, as it is with many other countries, but the integrative aspect of student-to-student and student-to-teacher interactions are most challenged when the expression of different cultural backgrounds is concerned. Firstly, in the school context, a significant number of students represent the Aboriginal Australians, a group that could highly struggle with learning using the country’s official language of English because it is a second language to them (Korff, 2012). Moreover, the schools teach the western-influenced syllabuses considering a large number of Australians having a link to the ancestral Britons who invaded the country during the colonial period. In this case, it remains highly challenging for Aboriginal people to become informative because getting a language and teaching materials that integrates the stories of diverse Aboriginal Australians are highly difficult.

Word Count: 400