Behavior Analysis


Behavior Analysis


1. In your own words, explain what behavioral analysis is. In your response, also touch upon crime scene profiling.
2. In your own words, explain what organized and disorganized crime scenes are. In your response, briefly talk souvenirs, trophies, modus operandi (MO), signature, and staging.
3. Finally, in your own words, explain what geographical profiling is. Be sure to mention anchor points, cognitive map, distance decay, and buffer zone.

Answer preview

Behavior analysis is the scientific discipline that seeks to relate procedures found on doctrines of learning and behavior. It illustrates, comprehends and envisages the uniqueness of a crime and the identification of an unfamiliar culprit (Ainsworth, 2013). During behavior analysis, investigators focus on crime scene outline, geographical analysis, and linguistic study. Crime scene profiling represents the key method used to identify and retrace back the perpetrator’s traits based on the study of the offense committed.

Word count: 397