Big Data and Big Film- How Big Data is Shaping the Global Cinema Business


Big Data and Big Film – How Big Data is Shaping the Global Cinema Business


Submit a project proposal outlining your research question and approach, along with an annotated bibliography of 10 relevant sources.
1000 words

Answer preview

After globalization, the world became an almost single entity. Communication with people from all over the world became a possibility and a simple endeavor. Globalization is also the main reason why film makers no longer sell to their deal with local customers and local revenue only. Film makers already know that their business serves customers from across the world. When dealing with a global marketplace, there are challenges. These challenges emanate from the need to understand the needs of this global marketplace. This is where film makers need data. The question therefore is whether big data can be used by filmmakers to understand the global business scene.

Word count: 1183