Big Game Trophy Hunting


Big Game Trophy Hunting


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Trophy hunting is a topic that continues to elicit heated debates and mixed reactions from different quarters. Those opposed to trophy hunting maintain that paying to kill endangered, exotic, or rare animal species for sporting purposes is ill-advised from a conservation point of view. Animals should be allowed to complete their natural lifespan, and it is morally offensive to encourage the killing of animals for sports (Ingraham, 2017). There is no justifiable purpose for the act, especially if the animal in the equation is categorized as rare. As some scientists opine, when mature members of a given population of animals are systematical, its gene pool is adversely affected in the long run. The future generations of such species will struggle to survive in their natural habitat. The economic benefits have been exaggerated as the practice is entirely degrading, inhumane, and unethical.

Word Count: 650