Bill of Rights (Right to keep and bear arms)


Bill of Rights (Right to keep and bear arms)


Assignment description

GENERAL DESCRIPTION:  Length:  five pages of text (i.e., excluding title page and bibliography);  NO late papers will be excepted.  In addition to the paper copy (handed in, in class), you must also submit your paper electronically within one day before the due date to the University’s plagiarism-detection service,, via the “VIEW/COMPLETE” link below.  NOTE:  Please submit only the final draft of your paper, since the system allows only one submission.  You will be able to view your own scores (“originality report”), which — in addition to revealing plagiarism — also shows the instructor that you’ve successfully quoted sources that have already been run through;  this is, therefore, a potentially a good thing, if you’re correctly quoting published sources, though some of you may receive an artificially “high” (red) score if quote many well-published sources (i.e., the instructor will figure out what’s coincidental or legitimate).
Answer preview 

The District of Columbia v. Heller was a milestone case where the Supreme Court of the United States established that in a verdict of 5-4 that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is applicable to the federal communes and the amendment guards a person’s privilege to own a gun for conventionally legalized uses including self-defense in their homes[1].  This case was filed against the District of Columbia where the six in the case who in different circumstances had saved their lives as they were in possession of a gun.

[1] ibid

Word Count: 1600