Book Summary: Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management


Book Summary: Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management


Write a summary of Chapter 11: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management

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Preliminaries to Interpersonal Conflict

            Prior to the consideration of conflict management stages and strategies, it is important to determine the meaning of interpersonal conflict, the myths associated with the concept, and the core issues surrounding the concept.

            DeVito (2015), states that interpersonal conflict constitutes a disagreement among people in a relationship due to the perception that their goals are incompatible. Conflict occurs when parties are interdependent, are aware that they have incompatible goals, and perceive others as obstacles to the achievement of their goals. Interpersonal conflicts are neither good nor bad. However, the strategy used in their resolution determines whether a relationship emerges weaker or stronger. Various issues are attributed to the occurrence of interpersonal conflicts such as intimacy issues like sex and sex, power issues such as perceived inequity, and personal flaws such as addiction to drinking and smoking.

Word Count: 900