Book Summary: Chapter 12: Interpersonal Power and Influence


Book Summary: Chapter 12: Interpersonal Power and Influence


Write a book summary on Chapter 12 Interpersonal Power and Influence

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Principles of Power and Influence

Although the law points out that people are equal regarding entitlement to some freedoms and social protection, people often differ on the basis of their birth into different levels of wealth, physical strength, health, attractiveness, and power (DeVito, 2015). Different kinds of people wield power in different areas of life and in dissimilar ways.

It is possible to share power and subsequently empower other people to gain control over their lives and their surroundings (DeVito, 2015). Different advantages are associated with empowering other people: people become more proactive and responsible, adoption of strategies such as positivity, the avoidance of verbal aggression and abuse, and encouraging people to grow.

Word Count: 900