Brand and Branding in the Global Consumer Culture


Brand and Branding in the Global Consumer Culture


Write an essay 3500 words in Harvard format. Have 27 references.

Task: From the conceptual and theoretical issues presented in lectures and through your privately directed readings of relevant material, students can explore the brands and branding and their relevance for any industry, product, brand, strategic plan, cultural phenomenon, economic problem, demographic trend, multicultural contrast, global issue, consumption phenomenon, career objective etc. that they wish to explore. This is a deliberately very open question.


  1. You must draw upon a conceptual framework as presented in lectures. This means trawling through the above reading lists and identifying a theoretical area that you are most interested in and then applying it to your context in the form of analysis. You should begin with a singular conceptual focus and then use your privately directed reading to expand the relevant readings into a comprehensive range of material, as befits a research project. Remember it is imperative that you analyse, not describe, your context and use theory to do so. USE PLENTY OF THEORY.
  2. A very good book which comes with all sorts of examples of brand contexts being analysed with interesting concepts is the volume Brand Culture by Schroeder and Salzer-Morling.

Answer preview

The concept of brands and branding in the global consumer culture has received substantial attention in economic and marketing studies. Although branding is an important aspect of marketing, the appropriateness of branding in the light of consumers has not been fully explained. This paper focuses on the relevance of brand and branding to consumers. The document also addresses how brand and branding affects consumers’ mindset in the global settings. First, the paper addresses the concept of consumer culture as provided in literature. By drawing the concepts of branding from the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, this analysis explains how strong brands and branding strategies affects consumer buying habits in markets across the globe. The basic proposition of this paper is that the creation of strong brands within a particular consumer culture results in important concerns.

Word count: 4180