Brand Extension Concept- The Apple Company


Brand Extension Concept- The Apple Company


Discuss briefly the concept of customer based brand equity (CBBE) using referenced academic sources. Apply this concept to Apple Company. Support your discussion with the relevant secondary data and some evidence— visual, qualitative, and/or quantitative—that illustrates the key dimensions (‘building blocks’) of the CBBE pyramid as applied to Apple Company.

Review the case for brand extension using referenced academic sources. Identify and justify two extensions which could take Apple Company forward. If the brand currently has extensions, consider how these could be further evolved.

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In a bid to beat the current competition in the market, companies are engaging in endless ways to ensure that they remain competitive and gain substantial market coverage. In that regard, brand extension is considered as a practical way through which companies can meet their objectives. Most importantly, firms have undertaken the responsibility of embracing brand equity that is aimed at understanding the marketing effects that are uniquely attributed to the brand (Keller et al., 2008). A company would ensure it has brand equity for two main reasons; to make a brand valuation that can be helpful during acquisitions or mergers and to enhance strategy-based motivation that aims at improving marketing productivity.

Word count: 1664