Brand Imaging-The Apple Bottle


Brand Imaging-The Apple Bottle

Write a paper on Brand Imaging specifically focusing on The Apple Bottle.

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Like many other business, Apple as a company works hard to create a strong image, as such an image assists in fulfilling their organizations motives. The rationale for this is that, a strong brand image has several advantages. For example, a good business helps the organization form a proper business-customer relationship (Mooij, 2014). Secondly, a good brand image allows the business to have more profits because novel consumers are attracted towards the brand. Furthermore, with a proper brand image, there is some form of ease to the introduction of new products under a similar brand. For example, Apple is a brand that has been around from 1971. Hence, the public is well acquainted with the brand, as such the introduction of a new product, in this case an Apple Bottle, will be easy to introduce in the market. The rationale for this is that, people are already aware of how effective the Apple brand is; hence, it will be easy to sell this new product. Besides, the product image of the business helps in boosting the confidence of the existing buyers, as such, retaining such consumers.

Word Count: 1500