Brand Marketing and Development


Brand Marketing and Development


You have been asked to read and analyse a case study (to be posted in Blackboard) and complete an individual case analysis report. You are expected to demonstrate theoretical understanding of important aspects of branding and your ability to apply marketing theory to the analysis of a real-world company. You need to focus on the key branding issues and answer the assigned questions. You must incorporate academic literature to support/justify your ideas. Unsubstantiated statements will not provide credibility to your discussion.

Your report should include:

– Executive Summary.

– Identification and analysis of the relevant issues and concepts relating to the case

– Use of relevant branding theories.

– A logical analysis, which is consistent with the topic in the case and it advances evidence in favour of the arguments.

– Your answers to the discussion questions (which are included in the Case Study document to be posted in Blackboard)

– Development of managerial recommendations and identification of marketing decisions illustrated by the case.

– References Weighting 30% Length 1500 words (+/- 10%) Due Date 10th March 2019 by 11

Answer Preview 

Brand positioning

In modern marketing practices, brand positioning is crucially important since it highlights the commitment of business to influence the consumers’ minds by creating a unique element that leaves them attracted to the brand (Stuart, 2013). In that case, the primary goal of brand positioning seeks to create a unique lasting experience in the consumers’ minds in a bid to make them associate specific aspects that are unique and distinct from competitors. Due to the increased competition in the market, a company must strive to develop a positioning strategy that will fully meet the customers’ needs. As much as the company identifies consumer needs and works to satisfy them, it must also design its offer and image (Stuart, 2013). In that case, in determining the positioning strategy, a firm must establish a target market, and it needs to establish points-of-parity and points-of-difference (Stuart, 2013). POD relates to distinct aspects of the brand that are unique from those of rivals. For instance, Nutella thrives on images of consumers engaging in sharing emotions at Nutella Parties. On the other hand, POPs are those aspects that are shared with competitors. For instance, just as Nutella uses catchy slogans, other companies employ the strategy too.

Word Count: 1800