Brand Recognition(Gap Inc)


Brand Recognition(Gap Inc)

Task: You must choose a challenging brand that has the potential to improve. Compile your brand research into a portfolio style report file, which must contain 1000 words of brand analysis and proposed vision for the brand.


  1. Creatively, professionally and innovatively present your report, and include imagery.
  2. After a brief synopsis of the current brand strategy explain in detail what strategies your brand could adopt for the future, in order to make the most of the environmental factors you can identify and justify. These might include new product ranges, new brand image /identity or the creation of a sub-brand.
  3. Expand on how you see these working and why. You must provide evidence of market research, to support your choice of new brand strategy.
  4. Clearly explain how these strategies relate to your company’s target consumer and the brand image they wish to portray.
  5. Things to include might also be new advertising concepts or methods of promotion, new graphics, brand personality and ‘feel’, new target consumer.
  6. Remember to back up your arguments;
    1. SITUATION (what is the issue you are addressing)
    2. ACTION (what do you propose to do/change)
    3. RESULT (how do you expect this to have an effect)
  7. Back up your ideas with examples of competitor brands that have used your suggested strategies. How did they fare?

Answer Preview 

Although Gap Inc. remains one of the biggest apparel players in the United States, it is clear that the company holds less than 5% of the entire market share. Statistics have disclosed that the apparel landscape in the United States is experiencing fierce competition since it is highly developed. As a result of this, some of the affordable swift fashion retailers such as Forever 21 and Zara have taken a substantial market portion from the specialty chains. Gap Inc. has been struggling with dropping profits and sales for the last two years. In 2015, the company’s net sales declined by 4% to $15.8 billion compared with $6.3 billion for fiscal 2014. For fiscal 2015, the company’s gross profit was $5.7 billion compared with $ 6.3 billion for fiscal 2014.

Word Count: 1400