Brands and Branding


Brands and Branding


For this exercise, consider your career after graduation. What kind of “brand” would you
like to build for yourself?
Answer the following two questions concerning brand strategy to provide some marketing
1. Define the 2-3 desirable, deliverable, and differentiating points-of-difference you
would like to establish for yourself in your business career in the long run, this
should capture your unique brand essence and positioning. In other words, in what
ways can you be unique to other top-tier Undergraduates as your career progresses?
What is the 1-2 key points-of-parity you will also need to negate any possible
2. What kinds of things will you need to do in the future that you are not doing now to
achieve your desired positioning?

Answer Preview 

Theoretically, every person is understandable in terms of a brand. Celebrity branding is the most common marketing strategy leveraged by corporates to market other brands or products (Keel and Nataraajan, 2012). Similarly, individuals can leverage the same approach used to make corporate brands look attractive to the audience, and, establish equity-like celebrities (“Person Branding and the Celebrity Brand,” Slide 30).  Theoretically, personal brands enable individuals to appear different from others by regularly showcasing and leveraging their distinctive value proposition. Personal brand positioning is an essential component of career advancement as it determines the reputation of one’s self as well as the attractiveness of a professional career (Cova and White, 2010). After graduating, I will be developing my professional image. Therefore, discovering ways through which I can identify and show my brand is critical. There are some needed, deliverable and distinctive points of difference that I will establish for my business career.

Word Count: 2800