Business Environment in Grocery Industry in United Kingdom


Business Environment in Grocery Industry in United Kingdom


Write a research paper on the topic Grocery retail. The paper should be 12 pages long, in Harvard format with 20 references.

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Grocery market is considered one of the complex industries because of dealing with goods that require immediate consumption due to their perishable nature. Despite this complexity, some grocery organizations have been highly successful compared with other forms of retailers in United Kingdom (UK) market (Smithers, 2017 and Henn, 2016). However, in the vast-transitioning era, the increased level of access to information has created new challenges to the grocery retailers (Kline, 2017). Different cases of loss of sales have been on the rise (Felsted, 2014).  Loss of market share has also been experience in the grocery market for the recently past years (Ruddick, 2015).  Some implications made by those trying to explain the situation have indicated that the grocery market may be experiencing a trend where shoppers have many choices.

Word count: 4122