Business Ethics


Business Ethics


This is a paper on business ethics

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Contemporary workplaces are characterised by ethical decisions experience which demands to be mediated and managed (Civlla, 2002). Management of ethical behaviour in a workplace requires the adoption of different policies and procedures. While the scope of management continues expanding in the modern setting of business, business ethics demands range from employee behaviour to the broader category of citizens and consumers. Demands of business ethics provide a strong basis of moral standing as well as influencing peoples’ behaviour. For the purpose of this paper, Ethics Codes is analysed as an ethical phenomenon and how it shapes the experience and ethical behaviour of people involved. Ethics codes are important not only for the organisation but also for the larger community affected by business activities.

People in an organisation, especially employees do not essentially hold the same ethical perspective. According to Robert (1984), people develop distinctive ethical perspectives following the influence of people around, including friends, teachers, parents, political and religious leaders, culture and role models. As people seek to maintain high levels of integrity, they create ambiguous situations as they differ on the best alternative to undertaking an ethical reaction.

Word Count: 2200