Business ethics


Business ethics


Write a case study on business ethics

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Business ethics can be defined as the questions of wrong and right in regards to the business world. Every business is expected to act in a particular ethical and legal standard to ensure that they do not defy the set morals or the set rules by the laws that regulate the manner in which businesses conduct their business. Hence, the issues raised in the case study are ethical issues as they refer to what the Commercial Bank is doing wrong, in regards to the standards that are set for a business to carry out business (Addis, 2016). For instance, every employee wants to work in an environment that is conducive and that would allow them to grow. However, this can only be achieved if the organization is ethical, which was not the case with CBA, in the sense that, when two employees were fed up with the actions of malpractice of the organization they reported the same only to be fired for doing the right thing. The same act has been repeated over and over, which is an indication that the organization is not willing to stop as it seems like the main objective of  the business is obtain profits rather than act ethically.

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