Business in Context


Business in Context


Identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company faces and then
choose which ONE of the following corporate functions studied on the course you consider
most relevant to addressing the challenge and why:
1. marketing,
2. HRM,
3. accounting/controlling, or
4. business information systems.
Analyze this ONE major responsible management challenge (in light of the company’s
strategic business context) and make recommendations for how the company should
address the responsible management challenge through the corporate function you have

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Responsible management requires a business to balance the interest of stakeholders, including the company, people, and environment, for immediate and future benefits (McCarthy, 2017). Responsibility by a business means making positive social, economic, and environmental impacts from decision-making that complies with the applicable guidelines (Seuring and Gold, 2013). For the purpose of this paper, Bayer Group serves as the case company dealing with issues of responsible management. Bayer is a Life Science company majoring in healthcare and agriculture. The company contributes to finding solutions for the major challenges facing the world of food supply and medical care (“,” 2017). In their Responsible Management, Bayer expresses commitment to sustainability which means shaping the future. However, the recent announcement to take over Monsanto presented a major sustainability challenge that affects the reputation of the Group. This paper examines the sustainability challenge in the context of responsible management and provides recommendations to alleviate the impact. Because sustainability challenge affects the corporate image of the company, marketing as a corporate function is employed to address sustainability challenges.

Word Count: 2800