Business Merits and Demerits


Business Merits and Demerits


Read pages 310-326 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • As you think about the forms a business can take, consider as you read this chapter the balance of factors you need to take into account as you form that business; to decide solely based on cost or ease of formation, or personal liability or legal restrictions is dangerous. All of these factors, and others, need to be taken into account.

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Each business form has unique merits and demerits for the business life and the capability of the business to raise taxes and cash. As a business owner, one of the first decisions to make is how the business should be structured. It is clear that this decision will present long-term implications thus it is crucial to seek advice with an attorney or accountant to assist in choosing the form of business ownership that is right.

Word count: 201