Business Model and Strategic Plan


Business Model and Strategic Plan


Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected business’s vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division. Include the following:

  • Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.
  • Describe how the division addresses customer needs and achieves competitive advantage.
  • Create a vision and a business model for this new division that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.
  • Explain how the vision, mission, and value of the new division align with the company’s mission and vision.
  • Summarize how the vision, mission, and values guide the division’s strategic direction.
  • Define your guiding principles and values for your division in the context of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Strategic Planning Outline

I. Title Page
II. Table of Contents
III. Executive Summary
IV. Strategic Plan Part 1: Existing Business or New Business Division; Vision, Mission, and Value Proposition
V. Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOTT Analysis – Internal and External Environmental Analysis; Supply and
Value Chain Analysis
VI. Strategic Plan Part 3: Assumptions, Risk and Change Management Plan; Summary of Strategic
Objectives; Balanced Score Card and its impact on stakeholders; the Communication Plan
VII. Conclusion
VIII. Reference Page

Answer preview

Household energy consumption has become a key issue in the market today. There is an increased demand for energy star efficient appliances that are environmentally friendly. Based on market evaluation, there is no doubt that the demand for energy star efficient appliances will continue growing. In response to the changing market dynamics, we have decided to take advantage of the new opportunity by venturing on the manufacture of energy star appliances by establishing a new department. The energy efficient department will be responsible for developing new products that meet the energy efficient demands. Our first project will be the new mega microwave system(Murray & Mills, 2011).

Word count: 1770