Business Pitches on Shark Tank


Business Pitches on Shark Tank


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Shark Tank Best Pitches: Grinds Coffee Pouches – YouTube 8:26m

Shark Tank S02E07- Orig Audio 42:20m

  1. Orig Audio
  2. Man Candle
  3. Original Runner Company
  4. Hy-conn
  • Name of the Business
  • Product or service they offer
  • Asking price
  • Valuation of the company by owner
  • valuation of the company by investors (Sharks)
  • Deal? If yes, what is it? And which investor?
  • Threat
  • Opportunity

Answer preview

Name of the Business: OrigAudio is the official business name for this company and it is named that way because the products it offers have the capabilities of folding and unfolding like the Japanese Origami art.

Product or service they offer: OrigAudio as the name suggests looks forward to bringing great technology and music together by introducing the portable speakers and headphones that are customizable and offer other earth-friendly experiences.

Word count: 525