Calcium (Two Most Important Functions)


Calcium (Two Most Important Functions and its use in Digestive System)


You are required to have 2 peer-reviewed references for the topic you have chosen. Minimum of 500 words, NO more than 750 words or approximately 3 paragraphs (expected range of 500 to 750 words) plus your references for your answer please.

Chose one of major minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, chloride or potassium and pick one topic below for your research.

  1. Explore two or three of the most important functions of the chosen mineral.
  2. How is this chosen mineral used in or by the digestive system?
  3. How does this chosen mineral help keep the body healthy?
  4. What happens if the body is depleted or low in the chosen mineral?

Answer preview

Calcium is one of the essential nutrients in human body because it is required by living cells to remain viable (Theobald, 2005). One function of calcium is that the human body uses 99% of its calcium for keeping an individual’s teeth and bones strong, predominantly supporting skeletal function and structure. Calcium is also highly useful in provision of Vitamin D to an unborn child. Fundamentally, calcium rich in maternal calcitriol normally transfer through placenta to the fetus to help it become sufficient of Vitamin D. According to Theobald, there is about 80% calcium deposited in bone in the unborn child’s bone matrix, particularly during the third trimester level of pregnancy. Calcium is also an imperative nutrient in the digestive system.

Word count: 632