California Equal Pay Act


California Equal Pay Act


  1. Make sure your research project is like a model on the blackboard under the syllabus.
  2. Subtitle each section in bold type-Introduction, Law, Rationale, Social Impact, and personal opinion.
  3. The research project is only on the California Codes.
  4. Make sure to write the law as it appears in the California Codes.  Do not include annotations.  Remember the law begins after the citation and ends at History.
  5. Properly cite the law.
  6. Only apply one case.
  7. Properly cite the case.
  8. Apply FILAC.
  9. Make sure the case is posted 1980.
  10. If the law is too recent and there are no cases, apply a law journal article.  The law journal will be in the annotations.
  11. Summarize the journal in one page.
  12. Properly cite the law journal author, the title of article, journal, volume, and date of publication.
  13. If you use outside sources other than law, journals,s or cases, you must have a work cited page.  Otherwise, you do not need a work cited page.
  14. Make sure the research project is professionally done.
  15. Proofread.

Answer Preview 

According to an article by Weber (2015), the passage of the California Equal Pay Act (SB 358) marks a major legal development in the country, which is bound to influence how employees and employers relate. The underpinning idea behind the new state law is to reduce the wage gap between women and men in the state. In view of the law, the author underscores the fact that the employers will be burdened to prove that they are paying all employees equally, for doing “substantially similar work.” Employers who are found in violation of the law would find themselves in battle with one of the strictest laws in the US. Notably, a major impact of the law is that employers would not have to start fixing pay issues before complaints start emerging if only to stay away from eminent legal trouble.

Word Count: 850