Cannabis 101


Cannabis 101


Write a 1500 word essay addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point.

  • Explain how cannabis works in the body by including information regarding the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome.
  • Describe four different delivery routes patients may use cannabis, the onset of action for each, and one pro and one con of each route.

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Cannabinoid is a term that is adopted from cannabis. Endo is the short form of endogenous, which simply refers to the natural existence and production of something inside the human body. These two terms were joined to form the term endocannabinoid; cannabis substances that are produced naturally inside of us. The endocannabinoid exists as a system with three parts; there is the endocannabinoid, the nervous system receptor endings, and the enzymes that break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. This entire system has been referred to as the ECS, and it is a natural part of the body and a very crucial one at that (Reggio, 2009).

Human beings are said to be emotional; these emotions tend to vary depending on prevailing circumstances. The fact that emotions and feelings vary, and are subject to outside influences, is because there is a process that allows this to happen. The process where human beings have their moods, emotions and feelings altered is called homeostasis. It is the body’s own natural effort to keep everything in the right zone. The body fights the negative effects from the outside environment by playing the role of a regulator; otherwise, it would be easy for human beings to get overwhelmed. Homeostasis does not just regulate human emotions and feelings, but also things like body temperature, hormones, heart rate and fatigue. When any of these functions are not up to par with what is considered normal, the ECS is activated (Reggio, 2009). When the temperature is too high, the cooling process of sweating begins automatically. The ECS does this regulatory job using the cannabinoid receptors found in the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, specialized cells.

Word Count: 1700