Career Reflection (Employability Skills)


Career Reflection (Employability Skills)


A Critical reflection Word Limit: 1,600 words (Plus or minus 10%), including appendices with the following elements:
A) Provide evidence of attending two events (e.g. confirmation of attendance)
B) Screenshot or copy of a current job description and specification (this must relate to your programme of study)
C) Current Professional CV (this must be tailored to the job description and specification outlined in A)
D) Screenshot of current LinkedIn Online profile
E) Current Professional Development Plan (including objectives which relate to the three themes outlined below: Know yourself; Know your sector; Let them know you)

Answer preview

The process of building competencies and employability skills involves learning the industry and gaining the requisite qualifications. However, in this course, I have learned that it takes more than just studying the academic content and gaining experiences. One has to know themselves, and have an appreciable understanding of how the sector operates, what its needs are, and then packaging oneself and offering oneself to the industry as the right person that a certain organization in the sector is looking for. Once an employment chance is secured, one must be able to prove the employer that they were right to hire them, by delivering beyond the organizations’ expectations

Word count: 1860