Career Search


Career Search


Throughout this course, you have been able to act as an expert in social psychology in a variety of fields, including sales, marketing, legal, and corporate. A person with a master’s degree in psychology could pursue numerous career paths that do not require licensure, getting a PhD, or working in a clinical setting. Being creative, identify at least three potential career paths (which have not been discussed in earlier weeks of the course) that someone with a masters in psychology could pursue.

After listing potential careers, visit HigherEdJobsJuju, and the Online Pyschology Career Center and find a job listing for a career path that you are interested in. This could be one you identified in this discussion, one that was previously mentioned in this course, or a career that would require licensure or a PhD.

Share the link to the job posting that you are interested in. After you have shared this link

  • Explain what drew you to this career.
  • Explain the existing skills you have that will serve you well in this career.
  • Explain how you will use social psychology in this career
  • Evaluate whether you will be qualified for this job after completing this masters degree. If not, what additional steps would you need to take to become qualified (e.g., take additional courses, obtain a PhD, become licensed, have additional work experience, etc)?

Answer Preview 

Kelle presents Industrial-Organizational Psychologist as another career path requiring a person with master’s degree, particularly in the area of Industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology. I/O psychologists are experts on human efficiency whose specialty is offering consultation services to corporations and companies to ensure employees sustaining their rate of working hard, efficiency, and staying healthy. I/O psychologist careers are stable, as companies across the world have increased their dedicated time in developing their employees to become happier and efficient. Although the mean annual salary for the career is $98,000, salaries can increase significantly based on the doctoral education.

Word Count: 800