Caregiving Stress and Social Work


Caregiving Stress and Social Work


Write on the theories of Caregiving Stress and Social Work

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Different theories and models have been applied to explain the concept of abuse and victimization experienced by older adults. Although elder abuse is one of the most commonly reviewed concepts of older adult victimization, there is yet to be a collective theoretical explanation of the concept. Previous studies typically theorize elder abuse in a manner that conforms to particular disciplines in order to explain the phenomenon.   Instead of developing unique theories for elder abuse, researchers have drawn from theories in another field to explain the theoretical perspective of the issue. Different authors provide systematic reviews of theories related to elder abuse. Most of these theories emphasizes the interpersonal relationship which emerges as a predominant factor in the development of theoretical perspective related to elder abuse. Yet, other applications comprised social cultural and multisystem contextual approaches. The Theory of Caregiving Stress is presented below to trace its historical background, identify its origin, application, and critiques its viewpoints.

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