Cascadia Subduction Zone


Cascadia Subduction Zone


Watch the 2015 video “Cascadia Subduction Zone – BBC – Full Documentary)”, posted by Redd WebDev by clicking the link given below or pasting it onto your browser. Watch the video then type a two-full-pages summary on what you learned. The paper must include 15 fun facts within the text. Please type in a 12 point font. You must also include 1-inch margins, 1.5 spaced lines, and use your best spelling and grammar.

Answer preview

The natural disaster that killed 220,000 people and more injured in 26 December 2004, in Indonesia is one of the natural disasters that showed nations that they are not prepared for such a natural disaster. The San Andreas Fault that is said to cause the largest earthquake in Los Angeles is nothing compared to the Mega thrust that will affect California all the way to Canada, Seattle and Vancouver.

Word count: 639