Case Study: Almuthani Alsuaidan


Case Study: Almuthani Alsuaidan


Find a case scenario that deals with Neglect or Abuse and provide the following

A. Provide a narrative of the case
B. Discuss why you believe this is a case of Neglect or Abuse; including definition of
Mental, Physical, Emotional, or Sexual neglect or abuse
C. Provide information defining if this would be a legal, ethical, or moral issue and who is
D. What Policy or Practice is in place or should be in place to address this concern
E. What did you learn from this assignment; including your previous thoughts on this
matter and any new information or thoughts that you might have .3 pages

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In this case, a six year old Saudi boy died on May 4 as a result of government-facilitated paternal negligence. Even though Almuthani Alsuaidan had been diagnosed with brain cancer, the family was informed that his life could be salvaged if he was taken abroad for further medical treatment (Instagram, 2017). Saudi doctors had confirmed to his mother that surgery could save him. The type of surgery that would make a difference, though, was not available in Saudi Arabia. This means that his mother would have to travel abroad with her son to get it. To be able to travel abroad, though, Almuthani Alsuaidan’s mother Fatima Dossari would require the permission of her ex-husband.

Word count: 1086