Catching Up (The Gender Gap in Wages, Circa 2000)


Catching Up (The Gender Gap in Wages, Circa 2000)


Read Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, circa 2000 by June O’Neill.
Write a 4-5 page critique essay of O’Neill’s article which could include critiques or support of her overall argument, main points, organization, or other aspects of the article. Do not use 1st person for this essay.

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In the article, ‘Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, Circa 2000’, O’Neill presents state of unprogressive narrowing of wage gap between women and men, while expounding on the reasons of such delay in establishing a pay balance in same labor markets. Although there has been profound socio-economic changes on the aspect of growing the percentage of women in included in labor market, men have always been favored in receiving better earning than their women counterparts receive in jobs with similar requirements. Stereotypical ideas of roles of women versus role of men and varying perception of individual capabilities between male and female people are identified intensively established causes of the unprogressive narrowing of gender-based wage gap between.

Word count: 1686