Advantages and Disadvantages of working in large, established, bureaucratic organizations

Topic Advantages and Disadvantages of working in large, established, bureaucratic organizations Instructions Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working in large, established, bureaucratic organizations. Answer preview Working in large organizations offers someone the guarantee of exposure. Employees who get exposed to companies that are huge enough have the capability to be exposed better as compared … Read more

Pay for Performance

Topic Pay for Performance Instructions Make one 10-15 minute presentation and submit a 1-page paper on acompensation issue of your choice. Discuss your critical evaluation of the issue (1 page). Answer preview Pay for performance is one of the financial reward systems for the workforce in which some or the entire monetary compensation is associated … Read more

How Marketers Can Target the Information Search and Evaluation Phases of the Consumer Decision Model to Boost Marketing Efficiency

Topic How Marketers Can Target the Information Search and Evaluation Phases of the Consumer Decision Model to Boost Marketing Efficiency Instructions Using Harvard format, write a 1900 word document on How Marketers Can Target the Information Search and Evaluation Phases of the Consumer Decision Model to Boost Marketing Efficiency. Answer preview Customers could be easily … Read more


Topic  CLIMATE CHANGE RISK AND CLIMATE-RELATED FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES Instructions Explain climate-related risks in terms of:i. Transition risks; andii. Physical risks;b. How and why are climate related risks different to other emerging risks?c. Identify and explain climate related opportunities, using examples, in terms of:i. Resource efficiency;ii. Energy source;iii. Products and services;iv. Markets; andv. Resilienced. Identify and … Read more

How does Brand Personality shape Customer Preference

Topic How does Brand Personality shape Customer Preference Instructions Your individual assignment is to design a dissertation topic – use a topic that you might be interested in researching for your actual dissertation and develop a research proposal and pilot study. The topic you choose to submit for this assignment does not need to be … Read more


Topic THE IMPACTS OF FACEBOOK’S ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Instructions The resit task for Component A (Group Project Presentation) has been set as an individual assignment that requires to conduct a small-scale research into organisational practices and to write an essay (1,200-1,500 words) to critically analyse these practices. Essay Question Conduct independent research into Facebook’s organisational practices … Read more

The Relevance of Classical Management Approaches on the Future Organizations

Topic The Relevance of Classical Management Approaches on the Future Organizations Instructions COMPONENT B (40% of the module): 1500 word individual report which critically evaluates the following question: Although some might suggest that post-bureaucratic and virtual organizations inspired by Human Relations approaches are becoming the ‘future’ of organizing, in fact, it is more likely that … Read more


Topic UNDERSTANDING THE PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Instructions Set up a blog on You should imagine you work for a consultancy firm.  You have been asked by your line manager to provide some advice and guidance to a group of junior colleagues on how to conduct a marketing audit, and to explain why this is … Read more

Enhancing Inventory Management Using Predictive Analytics

Topic Enhancing Inventory Management Using Predictive Analytics Instructions Assessment Instructions Component B: Individual Written Assignment (1500 words excluding references) (weight = 50%) Assignment question: Discuss ONE of the three topics listed below in relation to practice using company examples. Please address the importance of this topic and main characteristics. Students should write their essay based … Read more