Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Topic Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Instructions Corporate fraud has cost businesses and its shareholders millions of dollars and has been the source of legislation and regulations attempting to provide oversight and guidance to corporate boards, executives, and practitioners. Think about how these laws have changed the practices of corporate executives and, in light of … Read more

Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Interests

Topic Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Interests Instructions Write 100 words for the main post, Read pages 503-512 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Think about all the consumer protection laws and the added costs for businesses to ensure compliance. Have we gone too far with these laws, or do we need more … Read more

Antitrust law to restrict anticompetitive behavior

Topic Antitrust law to restrict anticompetitive behavior Instructions For a 100-word main post, Read pages 482-497 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Antitrust laws are intended to limit anticompetitive behavior. As you read, consider whether this intended result has been accomplished and whether this is good or bad for business. Answer preview … Read more

Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent

Topic Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in UK Instructions Write a literature review as part of a dissertation in 3000 words. Make sure it has at least 23 references in total. Dissertation Title: Luxury Fashion Consumption: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in the UK. Answer … Read more

Process of carrying out Interviews

Topic Reflections on the Process of carrying out Interviews Instructions Week 3( case study CBB) : •This week we are conducting interviews, from this process you are to document your findings and ideas about the case study in your journal. This would include your reflections on the process and what are your initial concepts and … Read more

Techniques for understanding business context

Topic Techniques that could be used to enhance the understanding of the business context Instructions The business analysis process model has the business context as the overriding starting point to direct the model. So we, the business analyst must be aware of the Mission, Objective, Strategy and Tactics (MOST) or an added term Vision (VMOST). … Read more

Off Shore Wind Farm

Topic Off Shore Wind Farm Instructions This week you will be creating a Stakeholder Power/Interest Analysis matrix. This will assist you in the development and research of your report for the case study 1 and 2. – On the following page there is a scenario for an “Off Shore Wind Farm” you are to identify … Read more

Stakeholders of a Project

Topic Stakeholders of a project Instructions This week you will be creating a Stakeholder Power/Interest Analysis matrix. This will assist you in the development and research of your report for the case study 1 and 2. – On the following page there is a scenario for an “Off Shore Wind Farm” you are to identify … Read more

Power/Interest Matrix

Topic Power/interest matrix Instructions This week you will be creating a Stakeholder Power/Interest Analysis matrix. This will assist you in the development and research of your report for the case study 1 and 2. – On the following page there is a scenario for an “Off Shore Wind Farm” you are to identify the stakeholders … Read more

Process Analysis and Problem Solving

Topic Process Analysis and Problem Solving Instructions Read chapter 7 Business Process Models pages 131-144 of Business Analysis (Paul, Cadle and Yeates, 2014). Technique 84 (Use Case) and 88 (Class Diagram) from Business Analysis Techniques (Cadel, Paul and Turner, 2014). You may wish to peruse technique 87 on Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), though we are … Read more