Social Media and Consumer’s Purchasing Decisions

Topic The Influence of Social Media on Consumer’s Purchasing Decisions Instructions Write a literature review: Length 4000 words in APA format, with 25 references that are peer-reviewed. Answer preview There is a notable wealth of information regarding the influence of social media in the consumers’ decisions to buy certain products. This section presents a review … Read more

Multinationals and Foreign Direct Investment Policy

Topic Impact of Multinationals and Foreign Direct Investment Policy Instructions You must write a 1,000 word (about 10 paragraph) summary of the content of lectures from each segment (the first and last summaries may be shorter). The first paragraph should describe the overall theme of the segment’s lectures: What were we trying to understand? How … Read more

Organizational Behavior Case Study (Big Energy)

Topic Organizational Behavior Case Study (Big Energy) Instructions Write a case study on Big Energy. Answer preview Mergers and acquisition result in a myriad of impacts to companies. Other than the integrating business processes, there is human integration which is closely followed by mixed reactions from various angles. The acquisition of XYZ by Big Energy … Read more

Organizational Change

Topic Organizational Change Instructions Answer in Q/A format. Answer preview Question #1 Organizations are exclusively human phenomenon False Question # 2 Organizational change is the planned alteration of organizational components to improve the effectiveness of organizations. Question # 3 According to the authors’ focus, which is NOT an example of organizational change Increasing existing sales … Read more

RFID in Men and Women Pants Supply

Topic RFID in Men and Women Pants Supply Instructions Select an article from RFID and write one page summary from that article. Use APA format. Answer preview In this article, Garduer AG, a German company that deals with manufacturing and supplying men and women pants to upscale boutiques and departmental stores decided to deploy … Read more

Team-on-Team Presentation Review

Topic Team-on-Team Presentation Review Instructions As a reviewer you will individually review ANOTHER group’s presentation of their project. Fill out this hardcopy template during their presentation and Q&A session.   (The Review team will be expected to lead the Question and Answer). This individual review will be COLLATED into a team review.  (All individuals will discuss, … Read more


Topic ANOVA Instructions Write a main post 200 words long. Read Ch. 11 of Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making. Consider the following as you read: Focus on intuition rather than formulas. See how the topic of ANOVA extends the hypothesis testing analysis for two sample to more than two samples. This is very critical for marketing analytics/research. … Read more

The passage of 1935 National Labor Relations Act

Topic The passage of 1935 National Labor Relations Act Instructions Write a 200-word post. Read pages 450-458 of Legal Environment of Business. Read pages 464-474 of Legal Environment of Business. Consider the following as you read: Consider how unions have changed over the years and whether it is simply a matter of time before all states are “right-to-work” states … Read more

Operations Management: The Case of Purdey and Sons

Topic Operations Management: The Case of Purdey and Sons Instructions Write a case study on The Case of Purdey and Sons. Answer preview The concept of operations management has been explored extensively in research. Essentially, operations management is central to the production process, as it entails such things as process design, production facilities and resource … Read more

Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent

Topic Luxury Fashion Consumption in China: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent Instructions Write an essay analysis on Luxury Fashion Consumption in China. Answer preview The global luxury fashion product consumption has generally declined following the 2008 financial crunch that shook financial markets and sectors world over (Cavender & Rein, 2009); however, the trends in … Read more