Case Presentation: Presentation of John Davis’ Case to Colleagues.

Topic  Case Presentation: Presentation of John Davis’ Case to Colleagues. Instructions  Assume that you are a human service professional who has been asked to present a case to colleagues. You have been working with this client, and his parents, for 2 months. Your client’s parents sought assistance based on the recommendation of a school counselor. … Read more

Caregiving Stress and Social Work

Topic  Caregiving Stress and Social Work Instructions  Write on the theories of Caregiving Stress and Social Work Answer Preview  Different theories and models have been applied to explain the concept of abuse and victimization experienced by older adults. Although elder abuse is one of the most commonly reviewed concepts of older adult victimization, there is … Read more

Effective Communication skills: Informational on public administration

Topic  Effective Communication skills: Informational on public administration Instructions  Write on Effective Communication skills: Informational on public administration Answer Preview  Public administration is the aspect of the implementation of government policies, as well as a discipline in the academic sector that deals with the implementation and the preparation of the civil servants that work in … Read more

Discussion Questions: Hefty Hardware partnership

Topic  Discussion Questions: Hefty Hardware partnership Instructions  Discussion Questions: 1. How effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Identify the shortcomings of both IT and the business. Create a written plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Savvy Store program successfully. Both answers to … Read more

Masters Paper: Has the 2008 Financial Crisis Passed?

Topic Masters Paper: Has the 2008 Financial Crisis Passed? Instructions  APA style The references should be recent and the research should be up-to-date and zero plagiarism Please keep in mind that this paper is critical and any bad work I am not willing to pay for however, any good work will guarantee you to work … Read more

Economics Paper: Economic Principles

Topic  Economics Paper: Economic Principles Instructions  The Microeconomic Paper tests your ability to apply economic principles to a business decision. Select one situation from the items outlined below: A to D. Complete the paper on the selected situation as specified below. The completed paper is a professional report and is due in Week 3 (130 … Read more

Debate Reflection: Why Corporations Should Not Fund Health Care Research

Topic  Debate Reflection: Why Corporations Should Not Fund Health Care Research Instructions  Do a one-page reflection about this debate Answer Preview  Funding bias Regarding funding bias, I now appreciate that the companies come up with health care research even when it does not have a scientific basis. Besides, the corporation may tilt the results of … Read more

Personal Statement for Masters in Finance

Topic  Personal Statement for Masters in Finance Instructions Please provide a personal statement of no more than 500 words. The statement should describe your personal motivation to undertake further study and can include details of your personal circumstances as well as your life and work experiences. It should emphasize any aspect of your personal history … Read more

Entrance Paper: Social Responsibility of Businesses

Topic  Entrance Paper: Social Responsibility of Businesses Instructions  An Entrance Paper is a 2 page, 500 words typed paper (DO NOT EXCEED) that reflects on the reading for the class. Think of the paper as an Executive Summary of the reading. This paper is to be submitted via Blackboard by the beginning of the class … Read more

Argument Paper: Corporate branding

Topic  Argument Paper: Corporate branding Instructions  This assignment consists of a 2000 word analysis of a literature review paper presented in the International Journal of Management Reviews. There are three sections to this assignment. You should clearly identify each section using headings What are the main arguments in the paper? [Present this into an easily … Read more