A Report about Subscription Models in the Food Sector

Topic A Report about Subscription Models in the Food Sector Instructions Write a Report about Subscription Models in the Food Sector. Answer preview Findings -Features of subscription model in food sector: regularity, frequency, costs and timeframe. -Driving factors to subscription model :Technology development, Changing customer preferences, Need for added value. -Impact of Subscription Model: Help … Read more

Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia

Topic Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia Instructions In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to critically discuss and address the following questions: • How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, … Read more

International Business

Topic International Business Instructions Describe, using academic references, the international challenges and possible opportunities for managers operating in a global environment. Provide a recent practical example of an Australian organisation which has faced the challenges of international competition and expansion. You can use companies which have been in recent news, such as Qantas, or Ford, … Read more

Corporate Social Responsibility-Data and Privacy Issues

Topic Corporate Social Responsibility-Data and Privacy Issues Instructions Explore one CSR issue in some depth, and look at how this issue is addressed by different companies. Choose one CSR issue, • provide evidence to support your identification of this as a CSR issue, • describe the key challenges faced by business in addressing this issue, … Read more

Implementation Process of The Yahoo Strategy

Topic Implementation Process of The Yahoo Strategy Instructions Discuss the Implementation Process of The Yahoo Strategy. Answer preview The strategy implementation process is a crucial indicator of a company’s commitment to attaining set goals and objectives. Therefore, this report explores various elements of Yahoo’s strategy implementation process. Yahoo embraces a hierarchical organizational structure whereby the … Read more

Exploring causality between financial development and economic growth in BRICS by time series analysis

Topic Exploring causality between financial development and economic growth in BRICS by time series analysis Instructions Write a dissertation proposal (1500 words) on Exploring causality between financial development and economic growth in BRICS by time series analysis. Answer preview The development of a country is dependent on the link between financial development and overall growth … Read more

General Motors SWOT Analysis

Topic General Motors SWOT analysis Instructions Conduct a SWOT analysis on General Motors. Answer preview General Motors have a strong brand in the automotive industry. Despite the fact that General Motors may not be one of the well-known brands in the world market, the brands that are owned by the Company such as Chevrolet and … Read more

The Concept of Individual Workers to the Creativity, Innovation and Design thinking Activities of an Organization

Topic The Concept of Individual Workers to the Creativity, Innovation and Design thinking Activities of an Organization Instructions Write an argumentative essay on The Concept of Individual Workers to the Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking Activities of an Organization. Answer preview Undoubtedly, organizational success is massively reliant on the contribution of its employees in terms … Read more


Topic Subscription Model in the Food Sector Instructions Write a proposal (400 words) on the Subscription Model in the Food Sector Answer preview The subscription model describes a business concept in which consumers of a product are expected to make recurring payments regularly, in order to access a certain product or service.  The concept was … Read more

The Effect of Performance-Related Pay on Employees

Topic The Effect of Performance-Related Pay on Employees Instructions Write a literature review on The Effect of Performance-Related Pay on Employees. Answer preview According to Perry et al. (2017), PRP is a financial reward for workers whereby a portion or all their monetary compensation is determined by how their performance is evaluated concerning stated criteria. … Read more