Character Strength towards Positive Psychology at The Workplace

Topic  Character Strength towards Positive Psychology at The Workplace Instructions  Your project will require you to complete two main tasks: PART A: (60%) Write a literature review of four published articles/ academic book chapters on the topic of character strengths; and PART B: (40%) Participate via daily UTSOnline announcements in a one week program of … Read more

The Impact of AI on the Retail Sector

Topic  The Impact of AI on the Retail Sector Instructions  This is a “Marketing Planning Report” but is similar to a dissertation in structure. Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the potential impact of “AI” on the “Retail” sector. Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related … Read more


Topic  RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT STAFF IN UTOPIA Instructions  Write a report paper on Recruitment And Selection Plan for Management Staff in Utopia Answer Preview  When human resource planning reveals gaps in the workforce, organizations can meet the labor needs by leveraging several choices. Essentially, many organizations opt for a full-scale approach in … Read more

The situational analysis of the Jeep brand in the Australian Automobile Industry

Topic The situational analysis of the Jeep brand in the Australian Automobile Industry Instructions Conduct a situational analysis of the Jeep brand in the Australian Automobile Industry Answer preview This report provides a situational analysis of the Jeep brand in the Australian automobile industry. Factors such as, the market and competitor situation, macro environmental considerations, … Read more

Unions are No Longer Needed

Topic  Unions are No Longer Needed Instructions  Write a case study paper on  why Unions are No Longer Needed Answer Preview The second reason why the labor unions are no longer needed is that they have led to an increased budget in many states (Sacho p.9). Most workers rea paid higher than what they would … Read more

Assessing the Impact of Big Data on the Banking Sector

Topic Assessing the Impact of Big Data on the Banking Sector Instructions  This is a “Marketing Planning Report” but is similar to a dissertation in structure. Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the potential impact of “Big Data” on the “Banking” sector. Your report must draw on the relevant … Read more

The Organisational Structure

Topic The Organisational Structure Instructions SITUATION:    You are the founder of a small but growing high-tech company that develops new computer software. With your current workload and new contracts in the pipeline, your business is thriving, except for one problem – you cannot find computer programmers for product development. Worse yet, current staff members … Read more


Topic Employment and Stability Instructions Do you agree with Jerome Powell that further increases in the interest rate will best promote the attainment of the two objectives of the Federal Reserve Bank – maximum employment and price stability? Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of this proposed policy using any of the real business cycle … Read more

External Implications of the Canadian Cereal Category

Topic External Implications of the Canadian Cereal Category Instructions Discuss the External Implications of the Canadian Cereal Category. Answer preview The positive outcome of the economic factors if the fact that unemployment levels are high for generation Y, above the national average. This is positive because the company would not be targeting these individuals as … Read more

Advertisement on Oiltulas Aromas

Topic Advertisement on Oiltulas Aromas Instructions Write a report describing an advertisement idea. The report has to justify, that is, explain with reasoned argument, the various elements of the advertising strategy. You are designing an advertisement- why did you choose that particular creative approach? Why do you feel that it would achieve a marketing advantage … Read more