Mechanism of Business Relationship Performance

Topic Mechanism of Business Relationship Performance Instructions Choose one of the following two questions What are ‘mechanisms’ which explain business relationship performance, and how are these mechanisms derived from different underlying theories? What are ‘instruments’ that allow companies to affect these mechanisms? Please provide examples for each instrument you introduce. How is the network role … Read more

Nature, Art and Travel Fashion-Influenced Trend-A Case of Reformation Company

Topic Nature, Art and Travel Fashion-Influenced Trend-A Case of Reformation Company Instructions Read “Trend_Book.pdf”. Use this as a basis to write the following, which is a personal essay project. 1. Blog post 1: Individual brand brief (250 words): Individual brand brief to explain why you have chosen the brand, a brief introduction of the brand, target … Read more

Operations Management and Supply Chain-The Case of the Coca Cola Company

Topic Operations Management and Supply Chain-The Case of the Coca Cola Company Instructions Choose an existing process for providing an international company’s goods or services, or a product or service’s supply chain and document and flowchart the process or supply chain and critically analyse the process/supply chain and offer an alternative flowchart and rationale supported … Read more

Evolution of MNE from Hierarchies to Heterarchies and Networks of Differentiated Subsidiaries

Topic Evolution of MNE from Hierarchies to Heterarchies and Networks of Differentiated Subsidiaries Instructions Please read “EvolutionMNE.docx” and deliver a presentation based on the essay. Please write: 1. 700 words speech for the presentation 2. 7 slides of PowerPoint (plus front sheet and references) Answer preview This presentation explains the evolution of multinational enterprises (MNE) … Read more

EatSafe Competitors and Collaborators

Topic EatSafe Competitors and Collaborators Instructions Read about the start-up company Eat Safe in “EatSafe_Description.pdf” and “EatSafe_Presentation.pptx”. Task: 1. Write 250 words on Eat Safe’s competitors. 2. Write 250 words on Eat Safe’s collaborators. See picture below for the collaborators. 3. Follow the same style as in “CompetitorCollaborator_Example.docx” Answer preview The applications have a similarity … Read more

Branding Approaches that Lomography should adapt

Topic Branding Approaches that Lomography should adapt Instructions Read “Lomography: Analog in a Digital World” in “Lomography.pdf“ Write 700 essay on: What kind of branding approach should Lomography take and why? Words: 700 References: 10 references minimum (Harvard). Answer preview Market penetration for a commodity that is considered outdated can be a monumental task if … Read more

Accor Industry – Implementation, Implementation Actions and Control Mechanisms

Topic Accor Industry – Implementation, Implementation Actions and Control Mechanisms Instructions Critically analyse the case study following the framework introduced in the seminars to identify 1-3 key challenges/problems in the case and to suggest and justify alternative strategies based on the digital marketing principles. All analyses should be based provided facts and information in the … Read more

A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels

Topic A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels Instructions Write a literature review on employee turnover in Shanghai’s luxury hotels. Answer preview Employees play an important role in a service-oriented industry as hospitality. Considering the significance of the role that employees play, it is then understandable to argue that the global turnover rate … Read more

Supply Chain Operations Ecuador Bananas and Hyundai Automotive Products

Topic Supply Chain Operations Ecuador Bananas and Hyundai Automotive Products Instructions Write a report addressing the following areas: Compare and analyse the supply chain of a perishable product and an electronic product of your choice. In addressing this report, you should ensure that you consider the scope of your product’s journey: – The overall design … Read more

Marketing Plan for Linen Trends

Topic Marketing Plan for Linen Trends Instructions    Answer preview Linen Trends is a small business, located in Hamilton, Ontario, and specializing in the sale of bed sheets, pillows, bed and mattress covers, and duets. The business is experiencing a problem – a poor promotional strategy, which has led to low sales and profits. The … Read more