Workplace Safety and Health

Topic Workplace Safety and Health Instructions Your supervisor has asked you to write a short report on Work Place Safety and Health in your company. You will need to find out the level of staff awareness and knowledge about Work Place Safety and Health matters. As part of your report, you are expected to carry … Read more

Sustainability Focus in Business

Topic Sustainability Focus in Business Instructions Theme of the case: This case relates to the distinct concept of sustainability. In particular, it focuses on the adoption of a ‘sustainability focus’ in a business. This case relates to a number of topics covered in other postgraduate courses: 1. Sustainability, performance measures 2. Value chains, company culture … Read more

Ethical and Professional HRM

Topic Ethical and Professional HRM Instructions Find a current example (that is, within the last 12 months) of a situation in which it seems that the interests of senior management/owners are clearly in conflict with the interests of some or all of their employees. (NB. Choose an example described in the media/public domain. The attached … Read more

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of Pure Blonde

Topic Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of Pure Blonde Instructions You have recently gained a position as a marketing coordinator within an organisation. Your manager (the marketing manager) has asked you to identify target markets for your offer and to describe how the product is positioned within the market. You are required to include the following … Read more

How Corporate Social Responsibility Strengthens the Organization’s Performance through a better Image in the Stakeholder’s mind

Topic How Corporate Social Responsibility Strengthens the Organization’s Performance through a better Image in the Stakeholder’s mind Instructions Discuss how Corporate Social Responsibility strengthens the organization’s performance through a better image in the stakeholder’s mind. Answer preview Corporate citizenship is about reducing the negative while maximizing positive environmental and social effects. Therefore, stakeholders’ engagement forms … Read more

Role Play of A Guest-Relations Manager

Topic Role Play of A Guest-Relations Manager Instructions Role play as a Guest-Relations Manager Answer preview The guest relations manager remains one of the central people who is involved in almost every stage of the guest cycle. They perform different roles which are critical to the overall guest experience during a stay within a hospitality … Read more

Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for Nudie

Topic Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for Nudie Instructions Answer preview Nudie is an Australian-based organization that specializes in the manufacture and distribution of fresh fruit juices, and other fruit-based beverages (Nudie, 2018). The firm was started in 2003 by Tim Pathick and Michael Bitenner. Since its inception, the firm, which has its headquarters in New … Read more

Career Goals

Topic Career Goals Instructions a)     Write a cover letter and resume for a specific job b)    Conduct a job and task analysis for a specific job (look up online how to do a job and task analysis) c)     Write your career goals essay (4-6 pages); include a discussion of career earnings potential, possible grad school options and … Read more

An Integrated Marketing Communication Report for Estee Lauder Company

Topic An Integrated Marketing Communication Report for Estee Lauder Company Instructions Write an Integrated Marketing Communication Report for Estee Lauder Company Answer preview Customer Context Estee Lauder’s customers are mainly high-income groups, including top and middle-top customers, wives and daughters of wealthy families, vogue and successful women; therefore, this elite group of customers has an … Read more

Managing Recruitment, Selection and Induction Process

Topic Managing Recruitment, Selection and Induction Process Instructions Write an essay on Managing Recruitment, Selection and Induction Process. Answer preview A successful recruitment process is a direct indication VIT Group’s validity and professionalism. Through, recruitment, the company obtains effective workforces who are able to promote company’s culture and enhance productivity Support from the top management … Read more