Agency Interview

Topic Agency Interview Instructions a)     Write a cover letter and resume for a specific job b)    Conduct a job and task analysis for a specific job (look up online how to do a job and task analysis) c)     Write your career goals essay (4-6 pages); include a discussion of career earnings potential, possible grad school options and … Read more

Recruiting and Selecting the Right Workforce in An Organization

Topic Recruiting and Selecting the Right Workforce in An Organization Instructions Write an essay on Recruiting and Selecting the Right Workforce in An Organization Answer preview Recruiting and selecting the right workforce in an organization is the highest priority for managers and human resource officials. An organization attracts and retains skilled and talented employees who … Read more

Cleveland Co.- A Mismanagement Case Study Analysis

Topic Cleveland Co.- A Mismanagement Case Study Analysis Instructions You are required to carefully examine the narrative of your allocated case, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation that: 1. Identifies the key issue or problem evident in your case study – and provides a reasoned justification for this. 2. Identifies a range of sub-issues or problems … Read more

A New Employee in an Established Organization

Topic A New Employee in an Established Organization Instructions After checking out and reading the following links, write your response to any and all of the following questions: Which one of the advice tips offered in these articles will be the most challenging for you to achieve and why? What has been your experience with … Read more

Workable Attraction and Retention Strategies in the Current Competitive Global Business

Topic Workable Attraction and Retention Strategies in the Current Competitive Global Business Instructions Talent recruitment and retention is one of the key challenges facing organisations today. A highly skilled and diverse workforce is required to deal with an increasingly competitive and global environment. What key strategies would you recommend to attract and retain the best … Read more

Situation Analysis- A Case of Cooper’s Pale Ale in Australia

Topic Situation Analysis – A Case of Cooper’s Pale Ale in Australia Instructions This project examines the impact of culture on marketing strategy development for a specific product or service in an international context. Choose the company and country to be examined. Define the structure, method and layout of the Cultural Analysis Report. Design the … Read more

Local Customers and Competitors- The Case of Woolworths

Topic Local Customers and Competitors – The Case of Woolworths Instructions Critically analyse the cross-cultural issues related to setting up a subsidiary and doing business in SOUTH AFRICA and THAILAND. Use Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as point of reference to compare and contrast home country and host countries’ cultural similarities and differences. Evaluate and report on what … Read more

The Recall of Toyota Vehicles Across its Global Markets

Topic The Recall of Toyota Vehicles Across its Global Markets Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ knowledge of marketing discipline theory, models, concepts, proficiency in their application, and their knowledge and skill specialisation within the marketing discipline. Furthermore, they need to work as a team and bring their own business related … Read more

Change Management Consultation

Topic Change Management Consultation Instructions You have been hired as a change management consultant for a manufacturing company. The leadership of the company currently uses a top-down management approach. The organizational structure is a hierarchy (pyramid type). Employees are not encouraged to be creative or make suggestions or decisions. They are also not encouraged to … Read more