Assessing the Potential Impact of Big Data on the Banking Sector

Topic Assessing the Potential Impact of Big Data on the Banking Sector Instructions Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing thepotential impact of “Big data” (or, alternatively, “Internet of things (IoT)” or“Surveillance capitalism”) on the “Banking” sector (or, alternatively, the “Retail”or “Entertainment” sector). Your report must draw on the relevant … Read more

Utilizing social media platforms to communicate about offered products

Topic Utilizing social media platforms to communicate about offered products Instructions Write a strategy paper on Utilizing Social Media platforms to communicate about offered products. Answer preview The main communication for the business will be undertaken through the utilization of social media platforms. These are communication channels which offer a high level of effectiveness as … Read more

The effect of social media influencers on Chinese university students in the purchase of fashion and sports clothes

Topic The effect of social media influencers on Chinese university students in the purchase of fashion and sports clothes Instructions Please use the 7 assessment headings below and indicate what you will include under each (bulletpoints are fine).The headings: Overview and research question (s) Literature searches The overall research strategy Research design features Sampling Limitations … Read more


Topic DAEWOO SHIPBUILDING Instructions Write a business case analysis on DAEWOO SHIPBUILDING. Answer preview The political environment can cast risks or opportunities for business (Daniels, Radebaugh &Sullivan, 2014). DSME operates in a favourable political environment where the government intervenes to ensure business continuity despite continued financial pressures. Specifically, it implemented tax benefits to suppress chain-reaction that … Read more

Management Style and the Cultural Impact – A case study based on Huawei

Topic Management Style and the Cultural Impact – A case study based on Huawei Instructions Discuss Management Style and the Cultural Impact – A case study based on Huawei Answer preview Literature provides varied definitions of culture. According to Bik’s (2010) review of culture from different fields, there are multiple meanings of culture, and there … Read more

The Challenge of Profitability under Covid-19

Topic The Challenge of Profitability under Covid-19 Instructions Managing a profitable business in the current COVID-19 situation is a real challenge. Do you agree? Write an argumentative essay supporting your answer with possible scenarios and challenges. Answer preview The emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic has had some devastating effects and disruptions of businesses and … Read more

Consumer Product Demand – Chase, Level and Mixed Scheduling

Topic Consumer Product Demand – Chase, Level and Mixed Scheduling Instructions Discuss Consumer Product Demand – Chase, Level and Mixed Scheduling. Answer preview Consumer demand for the products directly influences the operations within the company especially the number of products manufactured at any given point. Some companies experience a stable demand throughout the year while … Read more

The Exploration of how Digital Shift Impacts the Creative and Cultural Industries

Topic The Exploration of how Digital Shift Impacts the Creative and Cultural Industries Instructions What is the most important issue facing cultural and creative industries today? Why? Answer preview Undoubtedly, digitalization is becoming a buzzword in all aspects of life and it has affected the way cultural products are distributed and consumed. Most significantly, digital … Read more