Cross Cultural Marketing – Sprite’s Communication Campaigns (“Mixes it up” in China and “Ultimate refresher” in India)

Topic  Cross Cultural Marketing – Sprite’s Communication Campaigns (“Mixes it up” in China and “Ultimate refresher” in India) Instructions  Using the concepts and theories discussed in class and in your readings, as well as from your own further research, write a case study of a brand of your choice, focusing on one of the following scenarios; Analyze the … Read more

Huawei – An Internationalisation Strategy Assessment

Topic  Huawei – An Internationalization Strategy Assessment Instructions  You are expected to critically analyze and evaluate the case-company’s internationalization strategy to date. In addition, you are expected to provide suggestions/recommendations regarding the strategic directions the company could pursue for future growth (e.g. diversification, divestments, further international expansion, etc.) and an action plan for the implementation … Read more

The Concept of Flow

Topic The Concept of Flow Instructions What is meant by the concept of “flow” in the management and organisational literature (Csikszentmihalyi, 1977) ? Is there a relationship between achievement-orientation and “flow”? Provide an analysis of the advantages of understanding the concept of flow for professionals in contemporary organisations. Answer preview he concept of Flow, or … Read more

Firms, Markets and Business Management

Topic Firms, Markets and Business Management Instructions Discuss: Proponents of policies to allow taller buildings argue that this strategy will result in lower cost of housing, while the opponents argue that the policy will result in a high cost of housing Answer preview Taking the side of the proponents of the taller high-density buildings, the … Read more

Comparing and Contrasting the Five Conflict Management Styles

Topic Comparing and Contrasting the Five Conflict Management Styles Instructions Write a short 2-3 page paper Comparing and Contrasting the 5 conflict management styles and define which you think is most effective. Answer preview In every situation involving two or more people, conflict is inevitable. Conflict arises due to philosophical differences and divergent objectives. Unmanaged … Read more

Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context

Topic Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context Instructions The global phenomenon of diversity is a challenge faced by both countries and organisations in the 21st Century. Increasing migration, the aging workforce, and promoting gender equality are all Human Resources (HR) issues that organisations must now fully consider. These are just … Read more

Causes of High Turnover among Female Managers in Senior Positions Introduction

Topic Causes of High Turnover among Female Managers in Senior Positions Introduction Instructions As a management consultant working in an International Service Provider company, the CEO has called upon your research expertise to investigate a problem faced by the company. Over the years the company has experienced difficulties in retaining female managers in senior positions. … Read more

Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization

Topic Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization Instructions Write a review paper on the Communication Strategy for the World Health Organization Answer preview Communication planning entails defining the audience, the specific message, the channels to use in disseminating the messages, and the tactics that will be used to achieve the goals of communication. Effective … Read more

Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

Topic Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Instructions You are required to write case analysis that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of a core theory from the unit. You have a choice of two (2) theories – only choose one (1) of the following: 1. Perceived Organisational Support 2. Organisational Justice You will need to … Read more