How significant is a complementary good to a company in the electronics industry?

Topic  How significant is a complementary good to a company in the electronics industry? Instructions  Write a paper on how significant is a complementary good to a company in the electronics industry? Answer Preview  Complementary products allow firms in the electronic industry to determine optimal pricing, particularly in uncertain environments.  Wang, Zhao & Wei (2014) … Read more

The Role of social Media in Integrated Marketing Communication

Topic  The Role of social Media in Integrated Marketing Communication Instructions  The Brief Marketing campaigns no longer just use traditional media as the main driver for brand awareness and sales they are about the integration of related disciplines and the use of new ways to engage with the target audience. Produce a 2500 word literature … Read more

Warehouse Management

Topic  Warehouse Management Instructions Write a paper on Warehouse Management Answer Preview  Quality is considered as the most important factor of warehouse management. While the rest of warehouse operations could be effective, poor quality would indicate an overall ineffectiveness of warehouse managers (Chen et al., 2017).Underestimating inspection and quality may result in unnecessary cost implications … Read more

HRM Report

Topic  HRM Report Instructions  Write a paper discussion on HRM report Answer Preview  Human resource management (HRM) entails combining human capital and material resources to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. This report explores and evaluates the purpose of HRM through selected activities. The report is structured into two sections. The first section provides an analysis … Read more

Differences in Work-Life Balance Perceptions of Individuals in Asian and Western Countries

Topic  Differences in Work-Life Balance Perceptions of Individuals in Asian and Western Countries Instructions  literature review format, no need introduction or conclusion general topic: Differences in Work-life balance perceptions of individuals in Asian and Western countries narrow topic: male AND female WLB perception(s) in one or more Asian countries compared with those in one or … Read more

GDP, Inflation, and Unemployment

Topic  GDP, Inflation, and Unemployment Instructions  Go to the above website and download the last 5 years of data for the above three statistics. You will have to decide which specific data series you use for each statistic. Be sure to specifically state what data you are using (nominal? Seasonally adjusted? Etc.) Do an analysis … Read more

Differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota

Topic  Differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota Instructions  Write a speech paper detailing on the differences between Global Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota Answer Preview Unlike Toyota that focuses on specific segments of customers, Harley Davidson produces and markets its products to a wide variety of customers. For example in a … Read more

Why Restaurants Fail

Topic  Why Restaurants Fail Instructions  There are two main requirements: You must study the case carefully. Case: Why do restaurants fall? After the study of the case, evaluate and discuss some of the key internal and external factors that lead to restaurant failure. And with each chosen key factor, come up with suitable remedies to … Read more

Brand Imaging-The Apple Bottle

Topic  Brand Imaging-The Apple Bottle Instructions  Write a paper on Brand Imaging specifically focusing on The Apple Bottle. Answer Preview  Like many other business, Apple as a company works hard to create a strong image, as such an image assists in fulfilling their organizations motives. The rationale for this is that, a strong brand image … Read more