The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei

Topic The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei Instructions Design a PowerPoint presentation based on this dissertation: The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei Answer preview Previous studies investigated the concept of CSR from a vast of connotations ranging from business philanthropic initiatives Branco and Rodrigues (2007), … Read more

Advanced Accounting Analysis

Topic Advanced Accounting Analysis Instructions 1. a) Discuss the differences between the shareholder and stakeholder view. Which are the goals of the owners and of the main stakeholders of an organisation? (400 Words). b) Define corporate governance and discuss how it might influence the management control in an organization. 800 Words, 8 References 2. a) … Read more

Brand Extension Concept- The Apple Company

Topic Brand Extension Concept- The Apple Company Instructions Task 1 (750 words) Discuss briefly the concept of customer based brand equity (CBBE) using referenced academic sources. Apply this concept to Apple Company. Support your discussion with the relevant secondary data and some evidence— visual, qualitative, and/or quantitative—that illustrates the key dimensions (‘building blocks’) of the … Read more

Americans Investing in the Stock Markets

Topic Americans Investing in the Stock Markets Instructions The overall percentage of U.S. citizens participating in a stock market either through individual holdings or through financial intermediaries such as mutual funds has declined since the 2008 recession. Prior to 2008, a greater percentage of Americans held stock market investments than do in 2018.  This is … Read more

Relationship And Network Marketing

Topic Relationship And Network Marketing Instructions What is the value of KAM for the seller? And what for the buyer? What influences the success of KAM? How does the marriage metaphor help understanding business relationships? What are its limitations? What is a ‘portfolio approach’ to business relationships? How do companies manage a relational portfolio dynamically? … Read more

Consumer Behaviour

Topic Consumer Behaviour Instructions To what extent does social class determine consumer behaviour? Discuss with examples. (600 Words) Consider objects that you possess and how you have projected extra meanings onto those objects. (600 Words) A student who constantly feels like they are underperforming in exams, who carries a strong sense of personal failure to … Read more

Business Opportunities for Dyson in France

Topic Business Opportunities for Dyson in France Instructions Deliver a presentation on the business opportunities for Dyson in the country France. Design the presentation slides in PowerPoint (5 slides) and also write the speech itself (750 words). Include 8 references in both the presentation and speech. Topics to cover: 1. Analysis of the country you … Read more

Marketing Theory and Concepts

Topic Marketing Theory and Concepts Instructions How would you describe the distinction between ‘market-orientation’ and ‘marketing-orientation’ of a company? Is adaptation a good thing, or should one standardise? And what drives such a decision? What constitutes a marketing mix and how could it be managed, i.e. what kind of trade offs are being made? How … Read more

The Individual at Work

Topic The Individual at Work Instructions What kinds of interventions might organizations make to prevent or alleviate stress at work and why would they be effective? (600 Words) What employee work-life balance management strategies have been identified by researchers and why do employees need them? (600 Words) Critically evaluate the concept of employability as an … Read more


Topic E-marketing Instructions Critically evaluate the impact of the internet and digital technologies on pricing transparency and differential pricing. Support your answer by providing relevant examples for an industry sector of your choice. Textbook relevant section: Chapter 5 –pp. 267 – 274. Excellent answers will demonstrate an outstanding understanding of the concepts of ‘pricing strategies’, … Read more