Information Technology

Topic Information Technology Instructions Discuss the role of information technology in business today. Answer preview Information system plays an integral role in improving communication, operation management, record keeping and decision making.  It helps in gathering data, distributing information, and analysis (Karim 5). The technology helps in enhancing efficiency, improving performance, gaining a competitive edge, and … Read more

Compensation plan outline for organization employees

Topic Compensation plan outline for organization employees Instructions Discuss the compensation plan outline for organization employees. Answer preview In appreciating the employee’s efforts and hard work, companies usually develop compensation plans. Besides compensating the worker’s efforts, an organization also seek to retain the quality and entrepreneurial skills of their employees. Compensation, payment of wages and … Read more

Economics (Making a Fresh Start)

Topic Economics (Making a Fresh Start) Instructions Discuss the news article. Title of News Article: Making a Fresh Start Source: Answer preview Economics is a broad discipline and focuses on many topics all of which help people to understand how resources are used, how decisions are made, and understanding how the world operates … Read more

Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean

Topic Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean Instructions Write a Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean. Include an executive summary, background of the client industry, recommendation and conclusion. The Executive Summary is just that, a summary of the report. Its purpose it to provide a brief overview of the case study problem, what you discovered and what … Read more

Work experience analysis

Topic  Work experience analysis Instructions  When determining an employee’s compensation package, what is more important: work experience or education? Provide an example that supports your choice and a rationale that validates your position. Answer Preview  It is clear that a work experience gives the employer a clear understanding of the skill set by the applicant … Read more

Human Resource Management

Topic  Human Resource Management Instructions  Read Ch. 1 of Human Resource Management. Consider the following as you read: What is human resource management? What are some ways to get results through people? Answer Preview  Notably, there are various ways of getting results through other people such as delegation among others. Once a manager discovers the strengths, ambitions and … Read more

Human Resource Management

Topic  Human Resource Management Instructions  Read Ch. 2 of Human Resource Management. Consider the following as you read: What are some of the employment laws or health and benefit laws governing human resources management? What are some of the trends in workforce diversity? What are some of the ways to organize and align human resources to business objectives? … Read more

Quantitative Easing

Topic  Quantitative Easing Instructions  Read the Making the Connection short case titled The Debate over Quantitative Easing? in Chapter 28 of our textbook, and also be sure to watch the video right under the Making the Connection title (maybe a few times). Then post your first posting this week beginning to discuss what you’ve read and watched … Read more

Four steps in The Control Process

Topic  Four steps in The Control Process Instructions  Describe the four steps in the control process and the way it operates over time.  What do you need to watch out for as time goes on? Answer Preview  During the third step, the company establishes whether the performance matches the set standards.  The step that involves … Read more

How can a company be controlled without becoming rigid?

Topic  How can a company be controlled without becoming rigid? Instructions  Your textbook has a good question worth discussing: “How can a company be controlled without becoming rigid?” Answer preview  The company may conduct on-job training programs to emphasize on the values of the enterprise that would generate the desired behaviour amongst the staff. When … Read more