
Topic Facebook Instructions Discuss the controversies surrounding Facebook. Answer preview Facebook is probably the most famous and most used social networking service in the 21st century having users from all parts of the world. In fact, no social media platforms list can be complete without mentioning Facebook due to the enormous services it offers. Facebook is … Read more

The Secret History of the Credit Card

Topic The Secret History of the Credit Card Instructions Discuss the secret history of the credit card. Answer preview First of all many American families made credit cards their strategy of making ends meet and so they depend on credit cards for most of their activities. The rising dependence on the credit cards made an … Read more

Food and Beverage operations at The Dock on Princess

Topic Food and Beverage operations at The Dock on Princess Instructions This reflective portfolio –  essay is to be about your experience as a customer in a commercial food and beverage outlet, outlining your responses to the visit given your learning in this subject to date. Reflecting on your experience, you are required to use … Read more

Corporations Law (Investors V Austin Retail LTD)

Topic Corporations Law (Investors V Austin Retail LTD) Instructions Austin Retail Ltd (Austin Retail) has issued a prospectus seeking to raise $12 million via an issue of 12 million $1.00 shares. It has lodged the prospectus with ASIC. Its current share price is $3.50. In the prospectus Austin Retail said that its forward book of … Read more

Tesla’s Strategies to Improve on Current Performance

Topic Tesla’s Strategies to Improve on Current Performance Instructions Write a report on Tesla’s strategies to improve on current performance. Answer preview Tesla Motors has potential to grow based on its current market operation. Therefore, this report will delve into the strategies the company has employed so that it can perform exemplarily in the competitive … Read more

International Market Venture (The Case of Cowboy Chicken)

Topic International Market Venture (The Case of Cowboy Chicken) Instructions Based upon either your workplace literacy report, your proposal, or your infographic report, you will give a formal presentation that will last approximately 8 minutes. Imagine that your classmates and instructor are the intended audiences of these projects, such as workplace colleagues or other stakeholders. … Read more

Recommendation on an International Market Venture at Cowboy Chicken

Topic Recommendation on an International Market Venture at Cowboy Chicken Instructions Your workplace manager has asked you to work collaboratively with two employees in order to produce a brief (three-page maximum) recommendation report that summarizes research about working in an international context and then concludes with several recommendations. Your immediate audience will be the supervisors … Read more

A Report on Debenhams Global Marketing Expansion into China

Topic A Report on Debenhams Global Marketing Expansion into China Instructions You are the manager of a Debenhams (a UK-headquartered company; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debenhams). The company seeks growth opportunities and considers expanding further into the global marketplace. A first screening of international markets led to a short list of potential target country markets –you have been assigned … Read more

Instrumentality of Multinational Companies in Transferring New Work and Employment Practices between Countries

Topic Instrumentality of Multinational Companies in Transferring New Work and Employment Practices between Countries Instructions Choose ONE from the following questions: 1. ‘Work is not globally distributed to areas based on the cost of labour, but is clustered in regions and cities’. Critically discuss clustering’ of work, as observed in R & D, creative industries … Read more

The role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (A case of Huawei Inc.)

Topic The role and effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (A case of Huawei Inc.) Instructions Write the Literature Review (1500 Words). References: 15 references minimum (Harvard). Answer preview This theory was suggested by Adolf Augustus to explain why a firm exists. According to the theory, the microeconomic concept explains that many corporations exist with the … Read more