The Beneficiaries of a Corporation

Topic The Beneficiaries of a Corporation Instructions What is meant by the statement that ownership is separated from managerial control in the corporation? Why does this separation exist? Is it necessary? Answer preview Eventually, the beneficiary of a corporation are the owners and most of the times they are ones who operate the business organization … Read more

Testing Your Career Savvy

Topic Testing Your Career Savvy Instructions Define each Generation type Discuss at 3 reasons why they may have difficult challenges working together Argue how they will need to use two (at a minimum) life skills to learn how to work together successfully Answer preview There are different generations in the workforce whose classifications depend on … Read more

A Review of A CIMA Report

Topic A Review of A CIMA Report Instructions You are required to critically evaluate a CIMA report your evaluation should include a critique of the key findings of the research, method used to conduct the research and the reliability of the research. For task 1 you are required to choose and evaluate a CIMA report … Read more

Psychology of Behavioral Economics

Topic Psychology of Behavioral Economics Instructions Discuss the Psychology of Behavioral Economics. Answer preview According to Vincent, a father of two teenage boys, who is employed at a local commercial bank as bank agent; when faced with the decision of a certain win on one hand, in terms of saving the lives of 200 fellow … Read more

Corporate Risk Management

Topic Corporate Risk Management Instructions You have been appointed as the new Risk manager for a financial services company. In this capacity the senior executives of your organisation have come to you with concerns about a report in the guardian newspaper on 23 January 2018. “The head of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre has warned … Read more

Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for the Long Run

Topic Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for the Long Run Instructions Review the various jobs in the marketing organization. What areas appeal to you and why? Answer preview Marketing organization is normally comprised of various areas as well as jobs. Inbound marketing manager is one of the jobs which is also termed as permission or … Read more

Simulation Analysis Report

Topic Simulation Analysis Report Instructions Write a simulation analysis report. Answer preview The strategy used for Andrews at the beginning was Broad Differentiator, which is to focus on all segments by investing in R&D for all segments. Also, abundant investment flows into promotion budget and sales budget in the very beginning.  At first 3 rounds … Read more

The Purpose of the Mission Statement

Topic The Purpose of the Mission Statement Instructions Based upon your learnings from chapter 1 and Collins/Porras, combined with your own professional experience, why is the mission statement important in guiding an organization’s strategy? Answer preview Mission statement is crucial in guiding an organization’s strategy because it defines the business organization, services or products, and customers. … Read more

Lean Manufacturing

Topic Lean Manufacturing Instructions Write what you know/think about Lean manufacturing – Toyota Production System. Answer preview Lean manufacturing, simply put, represents a systematic method that aims to reduce waste. This is achieved without compromising productivity. Among the wastes addressed by lean productivity include those resulting from unevenness and overburden. The strategy is one that … Read more

Expanding Hyundai Automotive Business into Myanmar Market

Topic Expanding Hyundai Automotive Business into Myanmar Market Instructions All products/services go through a life cycle of NPI (new product introduction), growth, maturity and decline. These various stages affect the marketing strategy and promotional efforts. In Week 3, you will incorporate a product strategy that addresses at least 3 areas of the product life cycle. … Read more