Target Employers with Research

Topic Target Employers with Research Instructions 1. Consider: When making your selection think about the geographic area where you would like to work to be sure this employer has a location in that city/state/region; the industry in which you would like to work; the size of the organization in which you would prefer to work; the type … Read more

Theory of Constraints

Topic Theory of Constraints Instructions What is the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and why is it important to study? How is the TOC different from conventional approaches? How can the TOC be applied to reduce bottlenecks in a variety of applications? Answer preview The theory of constraints (TOC) is considered to be one of the … Read more

Resistance to Change

Topic Resistance to Change Instructions write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes the following: Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Significance of Resistance to Change (based on literature that speaks to the relevancy of the concept selected in terms of interprofessional leadership) Section 3: Review … Read more

Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review)

Topic Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency (Literature Review) Instructions Write a literature review (2700 words) for the dissertation. Answer preview In general terms, the description of human relation strategies in China must take into account the characteristics of the country as geographically large, rapid economic development and large population. These … Read more

Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency

Topic Do the traditional Chinese relation strategies improve human resource efficiency Instructions Write a 1000 word proposal. Methodology must use meta data review (i.e. analysing existing papers and other secondary data sources) Answer preview China is the fastest growing economy in the world and it is becoming a leading global market. Modern organizations strive to … Read more

Quality Control

Topic Quality Control Instructions Read Sections 18.1 and 18.3 in Ch. 18 of Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making. Consider the following as you read: See how the Quality Management and Deming’s 14 points can lead to improved TQM. Understand the charts and interpretation. Answer preview Statistical quality control refers to the use of statistical methods in … Read more

Financial Data

Topic Financial Data Instructions Read Sections 12.1-12.3 and 12.6 in Ch. 12 of Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making. Consider the following as you read: How regression modeling can be used to understand the association between two variables. Focus on intuition rather than formulas to arrive at the regression model. Answer preview This analysis will entail looking at … Read more

Business Case and Financial Analysis for Project Name

Topic Business Case and Financial Analysis for Project Name Instructions Unit IV Project 1 Project Charter and Business Case Using the Project Charter and Business Case Template provided, use the Running Case on pages 182-183 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Use the attached Project 1 … Read more

Ethics of Organizational Decision to Profit from Public Water

Topic Ethics of Organizational Decision to Profit from Public Water Instructions The objective of this assignment is to develop and present an informed opinion about foundational issues in business ethics. Using moral reasoning and ethical principles, the assignment should describe key moral issues. Workplace Ethics Pick on ONE of the Business Ethics Dilemmas (Refer to … Read more

Communication Strategy

Topic Communication Strategy Instructions You have been hired as a consultant to improve communication between engineering and marketing staff in a large high-technology company. Use the communication model and the four ways to improve that process to devise strategies to improve communication effectiveness among employees between these two work units. Answer preview When a company … Read more